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PPU Soshum- SMAN 3 Malang
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Question 1 of 20
1. Question
Bacaan 1
(1) Flower tea atau teh bunga merupakan minuman yang sedang digandrungi banyak orang saat ini. (2) Selain bermanfaat baik untuk tubuh, flower tea juga memiliki berbagai aroma unik tergantung jenis bunga apa yang digunakan. (3) Apalagi, di tengah musim hujan ini, flower tea merupakan minuman yang cocok untuk menemani keseharian kita.
(4) Chamomile tea atau teh bunga chamomile sudah sejak dari dulu digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit. (5) Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat banyak flavonoid dalam bunga chamomile. (6) Flavonoid merupakan senyawa yang bersifat antioksidan yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas pada tubuh. (7) Selain itu, chamomile tea juga terbukti dapat membuat kita tidur lebih tenang. (8) Cocok banget kan untuk diminum di tengah musim hujan ini!
(9) Jasmine tea merupakan teh bunga yang menggunakan bunga simbol nasional Indonesia yaitu bunga melati. (10) Teh ini memang sudah terkenal dan sering dikonsumsi dimana-mana. (11) Rasa teh yang ringan dan aroma yang harum membuat teh satu ini disukai banyak orang. (12) Selain itu, antioksidan yang terkandung dalam teh ini juga dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. (13) Nggak takut demam deh di musim hujan!
Diadaptasi dari https://www.hipwee.com/list/teh-bunga.
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Question 2 of 20
2. Question
Question 3 of 20
3. Question
Question 4 of 20
4. Question
Question 5 of 20
5. Question
Bacaan 2
(1) Perang Teluk yang terjadi pada 1990 dikenal juga dengan nama Gulf War adalah perang panjang yang tak berkesudahan di Timur Tengah. (2) Perang Teluk dipicu oleh invasi Iraq ke Kuwait pada 2 Agustus 1990 oleh Presiden Iraq saat itu, yaitu Saddam Hussein.
(3) Rezim Saddam memang dikenal brutal. (4) Partai Ba’ath yang dipimpinnya telah berkuasa sejak kudeta tahun 1958 dan biasa menggunakan teror dan kekerasan politik dalam negeri. (5) Selama Perang Iran-Iraq (1980–1988), militer Iraq menggunakan senjata kimia terhadap pasukan Iran.
(6) Namun, perang tersebut membuat Iraq menghabiskan banyak dana dan membuatnya berhutang pada negara-negara lain, terutama Kuwait. (7) Iraq lantas beride untuk melakukan invasi terhadap Kuwait. (8) Invasi ini memberikan dua kemungkinan, yaitu akses terhadap cadangan minyak tambahan yang yang dapat membangun kembali perekonomiannya dan mensingkirkan pemberi hutang terbesar Iraq
Diadaptasi dari https://www.merdeka.com/jatim/peristiwa-16-januari.
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Question 6 of 20
6. Question
Question 7 of 20
7. Question
Question 8 of 20
8. Question
Question 9 of 20
9. Question
Bacaan 3
(1) Limbah industri adalah buangan hasil proses produksi dari banyak industri yang beroperasi. (2) Indonesia sendiri merupakan negara berkembang dengan banyak industri, tak heran jika pencemaran lingkungan di Indonesia seringkali terjadi. (3) Pencemaran sendiri diartikan sebagai masuk atau dimasukkannya makhluk hidup, zat, energi, atau komponen lain ke dalam air maupun ke dalam udara. (4) Dalam limbah mengandung beragam material beracun. (5) Untuk itu, pengolahan limbah sebelum limbah dialirkan ke sungai merupakan sebuah keharusan. (6) Pengolahan dilakukan agar supaya kadar Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) dan Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) pada limbah menurun agar limbah menjadi ramah lingkungan dan tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif.
(7) Namun, masih sangat banyak sekali penggiat industri yang tidak melakukan pengolahan limbah. (8) Pembuangan limbah yang dilakukan sembarangan ini memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. (9) Contoh limbah cair dari pabrik adalah sisa pewarna pakaian cair, sisa pengawet cair, limbah tempe, limbah tahu, kandungan besi pada air, kebocoran minyak di laut, serta sisa-sisa bahan kimia lainnya.
Diadaptasi dari https://farmel.co.id/dampak-limbah-industri-yang-sangat-berbahaya
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Question 10 of 20
10. Question
Question 11 of 20
11. Question
Question 12 of 20
12. Question
Question 13 of 20
13. Question
Text 1
Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano keeps erupting with syrupy flows, serving as a fiery reminder of nature’s destructive power. There are two flow contents but as molten rock and they both have to do with nature’s destructive power. But as the ongoing eruption captures headlines, a question might occur to the readers: What is the difference between magma and lava?
The distinction between magma and lava is all about location. When geologists refer to magma, they’re talking about molten rock that’s still trapped underground. If this molten rock makes it to the surface and keeps flowing like a liquid, it’s called lava. Lava is molten rock generated by geothermal energy and expelled through fractures in planetary crust or in an eruption, usually at temperatures from 700 to 1,200 o C (1,292 to 2,192 o F ). The structures resulting from subsequent solidification and cooling are also sometimes described as lava. The molten rock is formed in the interior of some planets, including Earth, and some of their satellites, though such material located below the crust is referred to by other terms.
Magmas vary in their chemical composition, which gives them—and the volcanoes that contain them—different properties. Mafic magmas like those in Hawaii tend to form when the heavier crust that forms the ocean melts. They contain between 47 to 63 percent silica, the mineral that makes up glass and quartz. These magmas are more than 63 percent silica, which makes them more viscous: at their runniest, silicic magmas flow about as well as lard or caulk—which is to say not well at all. They’re also cooler than mafic magmas. Rhyolite, an especially silica-rich type of lava, hits temperatures between only 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit.
When silicic magmas are no longer confined under sufficiently high pressure, the gases dissolved within them come out of solution and form bubbles. And just like opening a shaken-up can of soda, the resulting rush of vapor triggers an explosive eruption. Iconic cone-shaped volcanoes called stratovolcanoes, such as Mount Pinatubo, are loaded with silicic magmas. Hawaii’s volcanoes, on the other hand, contain especially low-silica magmas made of basalt, which means they have much less explosive oomph. Instead, they ooze and spatter, creating shield volcanoes—gently sloped formations that have become the island’s signature geologic silhouette.
Question 14 of 20
14. Question
Question 15 of 20
15. Question
Question 16 of 20
16. Question
Question 17 of 20
17. Question
Text 2
Human brain structure is composed of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, each with multiple parts.
The Cerebrum: Also known as the cerebral cortex, the cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain and it is associated with higher brain function such as thought and action. Nerve cells make up the grey surface, which is a little thicker than our thumb. White nerve cells beneath the surface carry signals between nerve cells in other parts of the brain and body. Its wrinkled surface increases the surface area, and is a six-layered structure , called neocortex. It is divided into four sections, called “lobes”. They are the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe and the temporal lobe.
Frontal Lobe – the frontal lobe lies just beneath our forehead and is associated with our brain’s ability to reason, organize, plan, speak, move, make facial expressions, serial task, problem solving, control inhibition, spontaneity, initiate and self-regulate behaviors, pay attention, remember and control emotions.
Parietal Lobe – The parietal lobe is located at the upper rear of our brain, and controls our complex behaviors, including senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial orientation. It plays important role in integrating sensory information from various parts of our body, knowledge of numbers and their relations, and the manipulation of objects. Portions are involved with our visuospatial processing, language comprehension, the ability to construct, body positioning and movement, negligence/inattention, left-right differentiation and self-awareness.
Occipital Lobe – the occipital lobe is located at the back our brain, and is associated with our visual processing, such as visual recognition, visual attention, spatial analysis (moving in a 3-D world) and visual perception of body language, such as postures, expressions, and gestures.
Temporal Lobe – the temporal lobe is located near our ears, and is associated with processing our perception and recognition of auditory stimuli (including our ability to focus on one sound among many, like listening to one voice among many at a party), comprehending spoken language, verbal memory and language production (including fluency and word-finding), general knowledge and autobiographical memories.
A deep furrow divides the cerebrum into two halves, known as the left and the right hemispheres. And, while the two hemispheres look almost symmetrical, each side seems to function differently. The right hemisphere is considered our creative side, and the left hemisphere is considered our logical side. A bundle of axons, called the corpus collosum, connects the two hemispheres.
Question 18 of 20
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Question 19 of 20
19. Question
Question 20 of 20
20. Question